The Geographia Blog

Geographical bits and pieces...
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  • Benford’s Law of Controversy

    “Passion is inversely proportional to the amount of real information available.” The line appeared in science fiction author Gregory Benford’s book Timescape. Data has a way of keeping excitement in check, whereas if…

  • DonaldCampbell

    Campbell’s Law

    Social measures of performance distort the performance of the thing you’re measuring. Psychologist Donald Campbell wrote in 1976: Achievement tests may well be valuable indicators of general school achievement under conditions as normal teaching…

  • Anton Chekhov

    Chekhov’s Gun

    Remove everything from writing that doesn’t need to be there. Novelist Anton Chekhov wrote: “Remove everything that has no relevance to the story. If you say in the first chapter that there…

  • CyrilNorthcoteParkinson

    Parkinson’s Law of Triviality

    The amount of attention a problem gets is the inverse of its importance. Laid out in historian Cyril Parkinson’s book Parkinson’s Law, which wrote: The time spent on any item of the agenda…

  • WardCunningham

    Cunningham’s Law

    The best way to get the right answer on the Internet is not to ask a question. It’s to post the wrong answer. Coined by programmer Ward Cunningham, it’s familiar to anyone…

  • KarlVonVierordt

    Vierordt’s Law

    We underestimate long periods of time and overestimate short periods of time. Nineteenth-century physiologist Karl von Vierordt spent most of his career studying how people perceive time. His biggest finding is the opposite of…

  • HereWeAre

    Here We Are

    Reading is a cornerstone of education and reading regularly with children is one of the best ways for them to learn . It’s become more and more common to read things on…

  • HebbianYerkesDodson

    Yerkes-Dodson Law

    Performance increases with anxiety and excitement, but only to a point. Formed by psychologists Robert Yerkes and John Dodson in the early 20th century, it looks like this: At one level, excitement increases…

  • Maya Angelou

    “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said… people will forget what you did… but people will never forget how you made them feel.”Maya Angelou, Poet and Author …Or perhaps not?…

  • NicholasCrane

    Nicholas Crane

    “On this beautiful orb, we have reached the point in our collective journey where geographical knowledge is the best guarantor of our future.”Nicholas Crane, Former President, RGS The Royal Geographical Society with…