Category / Quotes

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  • Maya Angelou

    “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said… people will forget what you did… but people will never forget how you made them feel.”Maya Angelou, Poet and Author …Or perhaps not?…

  • NicholasCrane

    Nicholas Crane

    “On this beautiful orb, we have reached the point in our collective journey where geographical knowledge is the best guarantor of our future.”Nicholas Crane, Former President, RGS The Royal Geographical Society with…

  • DanOkrent

    Okrent’s Law

    “The pursuit of balance can create imbalance because sometimes something is true.” D. Okrent Journalist and author Daniel Okrent once commented on the problem of journalists giving equal weight to fringe views…

  • AleksanderDoba

    Aleksander Doba

    “I have two sons and two granddaughters. I hope they will learn not to be afraid to dream, turn dreams into plans, and bring plans to reality. Then there is [the] satisfaction…